Class 8 Syllabus

Listening and Speaking

Listen to a variety of texts from different genres and registers such as story, poems, narratives, lecture etc. for aural/written comprehension.

Listen and comprehend issues/topics raised in spoken texts e.g.

  • speech
  • lecture
  • discourse
  • debate
  • discussion
  • Group discussions

Use of graphics, images, music, sound and visual displays in presentations.

Analyse and evaluate use of language in different contexts (newspapers, television, billboards and advertising campaigns) and its interpretation.

Adapts speech to a variety of contexts and tasks e.g.

  • tone
  • gestures
  • stress
  • facial expressions
  • body language
  • voice modulation
  • choice of words

Collect and collate ideas and seek clarification to keep discussions relevant.

Use multi-media to make presentations on issues and social messages i.e. drug abuse, values, life skills etc.


Literary/ non-literary texts on a wide range of themes covering different genres and registers. The themes may include:

  • Self, Family, Home, Friends etc.
  • Neighbourhood and Community.
  • The Nation – diversity (socio-cultural, religious and ethnic, as well as linguistic), heritage (Myths / legends / folktales)
  • The World – India’s neighbours and other countries (their cultures, literature and customs)
  • Adventure and Imagination
  • Sports and Yoga
  • Issues relating to Adolescence
  • Science and Technology
  • Peace and Harmony
  • Travel and Tourism
  • Mass Media
  • Art and Culture
  • Health and Sanitation
  • Famous Personalities & achievers
  • Environmental concerns – water conservation, cleanliness and sanitation
  • Safety – personal safety & awareness about child abuse, conservation energy, sustainable development.

Extensive and intensive reading of the texts for comprehension, inference etc.

Focus on choice of vocabulary/figurative language and tone/mood used in the text.

Deconstruct the textual piece to understand the

  • central theme
  • point of view
  • character
  • plot
  • dialogue / incident
  • structure
  • suspense
  • humour
  • points of view

Evaluate and analyse the text from the point of view of its

  • production
  • drama
  • Film content.


Write a:

  • Paragraph (250 – 300 words)
  • Letter (formal, informal)
  • Advertisement
  • Diary
  • Journal
  • Notice
  • Poster
  • Articles
  • Report
  • Personal narrative
  • Anecdote
  • Story
  • poem
  • feature
  • dialogues

Write across disciplines.

Process approach to writing by planning, writing, revising, editing, and rewriting

Grammar and Vocabulary

  • Phrases and clauses and their function in specific sentences.
  • Sentenced Analysis: main clause and subordinate clause(s).
  • Sentence transformation from simple to complex /compound sentences.
  • Use phrases, idioms figure of speech in context.

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